Is Your Skin Sensitive or Sensitized? Here’s How To Know and How To Deal

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Sensitive skin is common among most people. But, isn’t it a little confusing what exactly “sensitive skin” is? Some days your skin feels like it’s burning in the sun. Others look red after washing. How do you know if you have sensitive or sensitized skin, and how can you stop symptoms from occurring?

A lot of people think that “sensitive” and “sensitized” are the same thing when in reality they’re quite different. We’re going to break it down for you here:

Sensitive skin is just that—somewhat sensitive. You may not be able to use certain products or ingredients on your face because they irritate you. Sensitive skin is common in those with acne-prone skin and those who are prone to swelling or redness after using products. It’s also more common in young adults than in older adults.

Sensitized skin has gone beyond being just sensitive—it’s become allergic to something in its environment (like an ingredient in a skincare product). Sensitization is usually caused by a combination of genetics and environmental factors, like sun exposure or pollution.
So if you have sensitive skin, you know that it’s pretty much your body telling you “hey! I’ve had enough!” but if you have sensitized skin, it means your body is screaming, “I DON’T WANT TO TALK TO YOU ANYMORE.”

If you have sensitive or sensitized skin, it’s important to use gentle skincare products. Fortunately, there are lots of great organic and natural options available on the market today.
When shopping for skincare products, look for ingredients that are familiar and recognizable. Avoid anything that has a lot of specific chemical names or complex chemical compounds—you don’t want anything that will irritate your skin further.

Choose products that contain ingredients like aloe vera, calendula, chamomile, shea butter, oatmeal, witch hazel, and rosewater. These are all great for soothing irritated skin and calming down redness.

Beauty by Francesca’s Chamomile Calendula Handmade Soap

It’s also a good idea to drink more water and eat less sugar. We know this might sound like a no-brainer, but we’ve found that when people are eating and drinking enough water and not consuming too much sugar, their skin improves dramatically.

The reason for this is simple: Your body needs water to function properly. When you don’t drink enough water, your body starts to feel dehydrated because it’s not getting what it needs. And when your body doesn’t get what it needs, it starts sending out signals of distress—like redness, irritation, and inflammation—that can lead to breakouts and other skin issues.

The easiest and most effective way to calm sensitive skin is to pamper it. This can be done through a variety of means, such as using moisturizers and cleaners that are tailored toward sensitive skin and are free from harsh ingredients like alcohol, synthetic fragrance, and harmful parabens. Do not use makeup products that contain irritants (such as perfumes), or any products that can potentially clog pores. Wear clothing made from soft, comfortable materials. Stay out of the sun as much as possible, and avoiding harsh soaps and cleansers.

Skincare will differ from person to person, but these tips can help you in determining the best ways to take care of your skin. With a few lifestyle changes, your skin will feel calmer and less sensitive in no time.

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