What’s On Your Label?…. A Closer Look at 1,4 dioxane

What is it? What is 1,4-dioxane? 1,4-dioxane is an unwanted contaminant that’s created when certain chemicals are combined during the manufacturing process. Specifically, it’s created during ethoxylation, a process in which the chemical ethylene oxide, a known carcinogen, is added to reduce the skin irritation or harshness of other chemicals. It is also used as… Continue reading What’s On Your Label?…. A Closer Look at 1,4 dioxane

What’s on Your Label? A Closer Look at Phthalates

What is it? Phthalates  (pronounced thā-lates) are a group of chemicals used to soften and increase the flexibility of plastics and make them harder to break. They’re often used as solvents and moisturizing/softening agents in cosmetics and other personal care products.  Phthalates are also used to keep acrylic nail polish durable and flexible. Three phthalates found… Continue reading What’s on Your Label? A Closer Look at Phthalates

What’s on Your Label? A Closer Look at Triclosan

What is it? Triclosan is a microbial agent and preservative first introduced in 1957 and used as a hospital scrub in the 1970s.  Later, due to its ability to fight bacteria and germs, the demand for triclosan increased and it was introduced into many personal care and consumer goods items.  By the year 2000, triclosan… Continue reading What’s on Your Label? A Closer Look at Triclosan