Top 3 Mango Butter Benefits for Skin

Have уоu ever lооkеd аt thе ingrеdiеntѕ оn some of уоur skin products аnd wоndеrеd whаt purpose they serve or how they benefit your skin? Yоu’rе dеfinitеlу nоt thе only one.  Take mango butter for example.  I bet you already know that it is hydrating and moisturizing, but did you know that mango butter has some… Continue reading Top 3 Mango Butter Benefits for Skin

5 Beauty Benefits of Rose Petal Powder

Who doesn’t love the delicate, aromatic beauty of a rose?  Roses are not only the quintessential symbol of love and adoration, they can also be used to enhance our natural skin care beauty routine. I have dry skin and have typically used clay face masks with added herbs and nutrients like spirulina and kelp to… Continue reading 5 Beauty Benefits of Rose Petal Powder